Tonight was one of those nights when the Mom role was pretty smooth, and after last week, I was relieved. Our household is finally recovering from a run-in with a nasty tummy bug. Gabe started throwing up sometime Sunday night and continued through Wednesday - then the poor guy had it coming at him from the other end. He didn't sleep well most nights, so we didn't either. He has also been fighting with those last two stubborn teeth. Around 5:30 Wednesday morning, Kendrick woke us up by getting sick in his bed. Calling around for help revealed that both Grandma and Aunt Brooke had been struck as well. All day Thursday I felt ill, but nothing like what the boys went through. I was a little concerned Halloween would be a bust, but everyone seemed well enough for a brief round of trick or treating. We managed through a busy weekend, but it seemed apparent that everyone was just a little "off" and out of sorts.
Today we seem to be rallying back to normal. Kendrick has gone from tremendously whiney to lovey and cooperative (for a four-year old) again. He even commented on himself, "Mommy, I am being really nice tonight. I haven't cried at all!" That sums him up pretty well. Gabe woke up chattering and smiling and has also maintained good humor all day. He's been walking around with his musical Halloween card from Grandpa O and Grandma Carolyn, just opening and closing it and smiling. At one point he had his card and Kendrick's, and no intention of giving it back.
Since the last update, Justin received his first report grade that has actual grades in it. He got all 6's (6 is the highest grade in their system). The only really area of "concern" was paying attention - which sounds familiar. When we met with his teacher, she commented that even though it frequently seems Justin is in outer space, he always figures out where they are and what is going on. He has learned his lesson about getting up to speed by checking his neighbor's paper, and will ask for help if he is really lost. His teacher especially commented on Justin's love of reading and mentioned that she will likely move him up to a second grade level in the AR program soon. His handwriting is a little messy, but she thinks it is because he is beginning to realize he is slower than most of the other kids when it comes to writing and he is trying to hurry. He is very meticulous, and has good writing when he has the time.
Kendrick loves all of his new activities. It is evident that the other boys in the tumbling class are older and more physically coordinated, but the college girls teaching the class are thoroughly charmed by him and are happy to modify for him, without slowing down the other boys. EVERYTIME Kendrick smiles, the girls light up and comment "He's so cute!". He likes swimming and is getting much more comfortable in the water - even practicing strokes in the bath.
Gabe continues to babble away and is starting to add some more vaguely recognizeable words. We're pretty sure he is trying to say "Justin" and his favorite word is "bubble".
"I Came Here to Live"
15 years ago